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File Comment
        ░▒▓  The Last Resort - The Ultimate Deathmatch Experience ▓▒░
        ░▒▓       Deathmatch Episode for Doom II version 1.7a     ▓▒░
        ░▒▓                     December, 1994                    ▓▒░

Archives (3)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
LAST.WAD WAD 147 2MB 1994-12-10
RESORT0.WAD WAD 93 288KB 1994-12-10
TLR_LMP.ZIP PKZip Archive 9 69KB 1994-12-10

Text (2)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
TLR_INFO.TXT Text File 646 29KB 1994-12-10
TLR_INST.BAT DOS Batch File 74 2KB 1994-12-10

Other Files (1)
DMADDS11.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 98KB 1994-11-21